We would like to invite you to the International Training for Group Process Facilitators, led by Edward Groody from the USA who has worked directly with Scott Peck.
Who is the training for?
This training is for facilitators, coaches, managers, social workers, psychologists, teachers, trainers, social service providers, counselors, consultants in team building and change management, trainers, members of intentional communities, clergy and members of religious organizations, community organizers and those interested in personal, professional, and spiritual growth.
Participants are required to attend at least one open Community Building workshop by M. Scott Peck (of any type whether online, with exercises, etc.) as a condition of attending the Community Building Facilitator Training. If you haven’t attended one yet, you can find information about other workshops at: www.communitybuilding.live or at Facebook. Or contact Hana Preglerová at hana@communitybuilding.live.
Facilitators will be Edward Groody USA, Hana Perglerova CZ and a team of facilitators in training.
More about them here: About us – Community Building
“In my heart there is a desire for peace in the world. Due to the wounds and rejections we have received in past relationships, we are afraid to take a risk of disarming ourselves. In our fear, we neglect the dream of authentic communion and we understand it just like a vision. But there are ways which people can follow to return to themselves and through which old wounds can heal. And that is the mission of the Community Building Workshops, to teach these principles – to make hope real again – and to realize this vision in a world that has almost forgotten what wonder is to be a human.”
- Identify the knowledge, skills and attributes that are required to become an effective CBW facilitator.
- Understanding the key concepts, themes and dynamics of CBW facilitation.
- Identifying and describing the four phases of the CB process.
- Learning and practicing recommended and optional interventions appropriate for each phase of the CB process.
- Understanding the importance of CB between you and your co-facilitator.
- Increasing awareness and acceptance of oneself and others. Learning about personal barriers while creating CB. Discovering how your personality type affects your ability to facilitate effectively.
- Learning how the CBW model has evolved over time.
- Learning about the many new practical applications of CB programs in social services, criminal justice, intentional communities, leadership development, building corporate teams, faith-based organizations, overcoming burnout and trauma.
- Learning how to adapt CB methods for selected audiences and how to use them, e.g., youth, building corporate teams, etc.
- Understanding how contemplative and honest practice can help to support CB facilitator development.
- Discussion of ethical issues related to CBW facilitation.
- Gain insight into the process of organizing, leading and closing a CBW.
- Begin to create a personal development plan.
- It provides participants with the opportunity to practice healthy behaviors and pro-social skills (problem solving, anger management, self-control, empathy, etc.).
- Creates a highly effective learning environment.
- Provides opportunities for healing from trauma that affect or are related to current behaviors and circumstances.
- Encourages participants to address their own issues.
- Removes barriers to effective communication and healthy relationships.
- Helps participants release judgments about themselves and others, tolerate ambivalence, resolve difficult issues, and embrace change.
- Promotes understanding of the group process and the role of the individual in its development.
- Significantly improves the outcomes of programs that also focus on specific topics such as recidivism, literacy, computer competency, job skills, parenting, etc.
Basic information about the whole training can be found here:
Presentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13411a3i-yrMHmNRaw_gDy6P_dhixiiON/view?usp=share_link
Training content: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13411a3i-yrMHmNRaw_gDy6P_dhixiiON/view?usp=share_link
Recordings of the webinars where the Q&A took place then here:
Full recording of the March webinar (with translation) – Passcode: GU5+vVjR
Webinar from February (Q&A only, with translation) – Passcode: MSz?8.h*
If you have any further questions about the whole training, please email martin@communitybuilding.com.
The cost of the whole training will be explained on the webinars, if you are interested, please contact us at: info@communitybuilding.live
The price of a separate 5-day training is:
- if paid by April 30th – 425 EUR
- if paid by June 20th – 495 EUR
- if paid after June 21st – 545 EUR
For the price for international participants, please write to hana@communitybuilding.live.
Your place is reserved after confirmation of your registration and payment of the training.
If you require an invoice, please send us your billing information AT FIRST to info@communitybuilding.live and WAIT to pay the invoice.
For payments without invoice, please make a bank transfer:
Hana Perglerová, 670100-2203940341/6210, IBAN CZ96 6210 6701 0022 0394 0341, BIC BREXCZPPXXX. As a message to the receiver, please indicate: CB TRAINING. In case of payment from an account other than yours, add your name as well.
Foreign payments, for lower fees, are recommended to use other methods than the classic transfer:
– Transferwise
– PayPal
If necessary, the outstanding amounts will have to be paid on the spot.
The price includes a detailed manual, worksheets and lecturer’s fee. The price does not include accommodation and food costs (see below). In case of cancellation of your participation after 20 April 2023, the cancellation fee is 190 EUR / 5 000 CZK, but it is possible to find a replacement for yourself.
If you sign up for the full training before Module I, do not pay the price for the first module, it will be included in the price for the full training.
If you decide to attend the full training after Module I, 250 EUR will be deducted from the price for the full training.
Registration form for the Introductory Training Module: https://forms.gle/UMXw3B7RJv47QLqd6
The 5-day Introductory Training Module is the entry module to the two-year Facilitator Training. You can attend it separately for your personal development only or as a part of the full training (if you want to become a certified facilitator).
Please, indicate in your application whether you are interested in the full training or only in Module I.
If you are interested in the full Facilitator Training Program, please email martin@communitybuilding.com, a contract will be created with you, by signing it and paying at least the first installment you will become a participant in the training.
Impact Hub Praha – http://www.hubpraha.cz
Adresse: Drtinova 557/10, 150 00 Praha 5- Smíchov, map: https://goo.gl/maps/sL7k23gigY2Nw6hG7
It is not possible to sleep in Impact Hub.
You can find your own place in hotels in Prague. One cheap option is to sleep in A centrum – www.acentrum.eu (Vítkova Street 10, Prague 8) for 8 Eur per night, there are limited places, please book it via email: hana@communitybuilding.live.
There are many great restaurants nearby.
Training starts on Wednesday, July 5 at 9 am. Please come and register at 8.30am! We start each day at 9am and finish at 7pm, at 5pm on the last day.
The training will be fully translated into Czech and English. Participants will come from all over Europe.
Hana Perglerová: hana@communitybuilding.live, +420 608 114 553
Facebook event