Mgr. Hana Perglerová
Seminar coordinator for Czech Republic.
When I was 15 years old, I experienced a true community with around 10 people, which brought me an amazing gift of deep acceptance, listening and understanding truly who I am with everything. Then I discovered Scott Peck´s book „The different drum“, which described exactly the dynamic which we had experienced together, and basic guidelines on how the process to reach true community is working. I was excited and in my first Community Building Workshop (CBW), I found my mission of life.
Since 2005 I facilitate CBWs for personal development, living communities, schools, and any other groups and organizations. I brought CB work to the Czech Republic. I was trained by Edward Groody, who worked directly with M. S. Peck. I’m cooperating with facilitators of all Europe. Since 2012 I live with two sons in the small community “Lorien” situated near Prague.
My other activities: Founder of the non-profit organization „A centrum“ for pregnant women and parents with babies since 2001, director 2010-2017, management board now. Teacher in Waldorf schools 2003-2010; Owner of a massage studio in Prague since 2019.

„CB workshops are always bringing me new knowledge, wisdom and real changes of myself. Through the workshops, I am learning how to be in deep contact with myself and with others, and in this I see great sense for all interpersonal relationships. In my view, the more people will learn these ways of communication, the more we will be able to have healthy and happy relationships, better understanding and cooperation and real love between human.“
– Hana

Vanda Marečková – CZE
All my life I have been observing how communication channels between people fail. Despite good efforts, misunderstandings and conflicts repeatedly arise and I am part of them. The need to understand myself and others well has led me to different places, cultures, learning different languages, trying out different professions and roles. I have found a real tool to see people and to be seen as a human being in the Community Building method. It was only here that I found the answer, the direction and the hope that the possibility of True Community is not just a dream.
I am a mother of three children. I co-founded the first forest kindergarten in Moravia, I was at the birth of a community school in Tišnov, where I work as a special educator, I teach Czech to foreigners, I work with the ORBA project, where I perform theatre, write lyrics and sing, I am the co-creator of 3 music and story CDs for children and I have a vegan catering company. Facilitating Community Building workshops has been my main activity lately, and I also take inspiration from the CB method when conducting supervision and individual or pair sessions.

Tereza Kulhanková – CZE
Since the age of seventeen, I have been attracted to intentional communities, so-called community initiatives and grassroot organizations. I visited many, from the Pyrenees to Ukraine, and I cofounded several initiatives in the Tišnov area in the Czech Republic, where I live. The Community Building workshops brought me the much-sought-after understanding of what I perceived in many groups and experienced myself. They helped me in finding way through the difficulties associated with people working together. I found in them guidelines on the journey after calling for connected hearts, and I am immensely grateful for that. I have been working as a facilitator and lecturer, as a CB facilitator since 2020. I also work professionally in the field of food sovereignty. I am a board member and a project manager of the non-profit organisation Hojnost z.s., which advocates very practical steps to support organic farming in the Tišnov region.

People with whom we collaborate

Edward Groody – US
is the president and chairman of the Community Building Institute (Tennessee, USA). He is also president of Ed Groody & Associates, Inc., a consulting firm for organizational development. He and his team have been helping companies since 2001 to achieve exceptional results while creating a spirit of community in the workplace.
Edward specializes in helping senior executives implement change that empowers and recognizes employees. He has successfully managed financial and cultural turnarounds in numerous commercial enterprises and public institutions. (more info: www.communitybuilding.com)

Karol Herian – SK
Seminar coordinator for Slovakia.
I have extensive experience in many positions: I was teaching, leading a university department, managing various projects, doing research, working as a journalist, writing books and in the last ten years, I have been been working as a facilitator, coach and trainer. I have been accompanying individuals and organizations that want to free up and strengthen their own resources. Among my clients are companies such as Volkswagen, Orange, Jaguar Land Rover, IBM, Ecco, Accenture, Hewlett-Packard, Daikin, Kia Motors, Lidl and Tesco Stores, many state institution and NGOs. In 2019, I have completed training at CBI with Edward Groody and I have been facilitating CBWs in Slovakia, Europe and the USA.

Simone Kosog-Wiedemann – DE
Seminar coordinator for Germany.
For me personally Community Building is a way to continuously look deeper, to become more courageous and freer. In my everyday life as well as in a role of a facilitator, I experience with amazement and gratitude what is possible when the masks fall, and people meet each other as human beings. It is what I want to bring into the world.
I am also a journalist, engaged in a Childcare NGO and cofounded a democratic school. I love my family, old friends and new discoveries, strawberries and blackbirds, and refuels in nature and with the poems of Rilke, Rumi and Mary Oliver.

Alexander Wiedemann – DE
What does it take for people to live and work together at eye level and in a lively, trusting exchange? This question has fascinated me for decades and has repeatedly turned out to be a guiding principle for my actions.
Through various intensive stations and phases of my (professional) life, I arrived at Community Building according to Scott Peck. It focuses precisely on this relationship level – and is therefore increasingly developing into an important focus for me. As if through a burning glass, it looks at the essentials and, with the help of conversation recommendations, leads a group of strangers into an authentic community – a “Group of all Leaders”. After all, we all have it all already! It just needs the space to rediscover it and bring it together.
I am an architect and have worked in a variety of fields throughout my career. In addition to my work as a community building facilitator, I currently work as a coach and organizational developer. It is my deepest desire to actively participate in social change. I want to contribute to creating deeper awarenessad connecting people.