Are you a member of a real team? Or leading one? A team where everyonetakes responsibility for themselves and the whole team? A team which not only works but performs excellently? Where the members support each other not only on sunny days but also when clouds are coming? A team which uses the different resources for achieving their goals instead of fighting who is right? Whose members engage not only for their personal work and career goals but for a common purpose?
If yes, congratulations!
And if not, you are not alone. Only 13 % of employees are really engaged at work as studies show (Gallup 2013, Frederic Laloux in Reinventing organizations).
How to become a real team? A highly performing team? A team characterized by deep flow instead of superficial harmony, flexibility instead of rigid rules, effective collaboration instead of endless discussions? It’s all about connection, trust and open communication … Its all about becoming a community.

What Community Building brings to companies
- Better collaboration, flow, effectivity, becoming real highly performing teams
- People see their gifts & talents, know better their roles, feel their value
- People are much more engaged because they feel they are seen and listened to
- Team members and the whole team take over responsibility, they are more creative and focused on a solution
- Conflicts in a team are dealt with and solved, a real connection is re-created and deepened
- People have more awareness of what is going on at deeper levels (hidden problems, main topics)
- A team culture which supports openness is developed
- Growing happiness at work
Community Building in Business and Organizations is the next generation of team building for the business environment. It shows the way on a deeper level for all the organizational stuff like having a purpose, goals, responsibilities, roles, rules, leadership and so on. The sense and real experience of being a community provide the common ground which makes finding solutions so much easier. We as human beings long for being connected to each other. Let’s use this basic principle!
With Community Building in Business and Organizations you can support existing teams to grow in collaborating and performing. And you can use it to support bigger transformations and shifts in the whole organization.