Dear friends,
we invite you again to our path to an authentic and respectful communication. To move along this path requires our willingness to perceive each other, listen and be honest with each other. We need to be open, share ourselves and our experiences, but also stay silent when there is nothing that moves us to speak. Then there is a chance to be in touch with each other and to experience deep connections. Acceptance, healing and love can happen, what helps us not only in our personal life, but also in our working and team environment.
WHEN: 28.02. – 01.03. 2020 (Friday from 18h till Sunday 18h)
WHERE: Ostrava, Sundara, Dvorní 9, Ostrava
COSTS: 2400 CZK (until 20.12.) / 2900 CZK (until 20.01.2020) / 3400 CZK (after 20.01.2020). In price all direct costs and facilitation is included. Accomodation and food please arrange yourself.
REGISTRATION: by filling out the form and paying the deposit of 2000 CZK to the account 670100-2213073069/6210, IBAN CZ21 6210 6701 0022 0394 0333, BIC BREXCZPPXXX (in notes please write your name and CB Ostrava).
FACILITATION: Hana Perglerová ČR, Michael Stadlober AUT
CONTACT: +420 603 229 867, or Hana Perglerová +420 608 114 553,
We are welcoming English speaking participants, we can manage translation for them.
Is a systemic organizational consultant and coach, supporting transformational processes.
“In my professional life as a systemic organizational consultant and coach, I support individual and collective transformational processes. My very first experience with that kind of work was when, as a student, I found myself in a one-week group dynamics training group. This method of experimental and at the same time highly effective learning process fascinated me. So I learned how to facilitate that.
In Community Building, I found a quite similar approach but with more emphasis on heart connection, spirituality and wholesomeness. I’m convinced that this reflects a social shift … we live in a time where “integration” and “resonance” have become critical topics for the wellbeing of individuals and collectives. Community Building supports to be connected in a ever faster moving world: Social Media 5.0 :-).”