Community Building by M. Scott Peck – presentation
Presentation of Community Building by M. S. Peck by Hana Perglerová
DetailsPresentation of Community Building by M. S. Peck by Hana Perglerová
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DetailsIn modern times, the idea of “community” has increasingly been expanded to include not just the place where one lives, but the web of relationships into which one is embedded. Work, school, voluntary associations, computer networks – all are communities, even though the members live quite far apart. But according to psychiatrist and author M.…
DetailsThe Laloux book “Reinventing Organizations” explores and describes the development of self-organizing companies and nonprofit organizational structures, which are already used worldwide in large and small companies. In this (pioneering) book, a new form of “group of all leaders” is introduced as a necessary evolutionary step to self organization. This kind of group also plays a…
DetailsThe overall purpose of human communication is – or should be – reconciliation. It should ultimately serve to lower or remove the walls of misunderstanding which unduly separate us human beings, one from another.’ Although we have developed the technology to make communication more efficient and to bring people closer together, we have failed to…